Demolition is understood as a generic term for the complete or partial removal of all kinds of buildings or structures. From the smallest demolition to the demolition of entire chemical plants, we are set up for you.

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Dismantling is the demolition while as far as possible, the form of the components remain. To dismantle means to solve connections and lift the components by cranes out to ground level. If desired, the further use of the components can be ensured.

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Blasting is a special form of demolition with the focus to collapse buildings or structures. The further demolitions cango on afterward sat the ground level (demolition blasting). Another intention of blasting a structure is to loosen up concrete components (loosening blasting).

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Decontamination of hazardous substances
Decontamination of hazardous substances is the process of clearance a building stock from hazardous pollutants. The intention is the safe continuous reuse or the safe demolition of the building.

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Disposal / Scrap marketing
The demolition process produces recyclable and not recyclable waste. The marketing of valuable materials such as scrap and metals generates a benefit. The systematic separation and sorting of waste is not only a legal obligation, it also reduces costs in the procers to find the optimal disposal route.

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A demolition project wants to be planned. Please contact our engineers if you need help with the planning of your demolition project or with the communication with the authorities. Only a well-prepared project can ensure a safe and fast demolition.